Aram Fatima
While the two-class system in our country has affected various areas of life, our culture, society, and social behavior are also changing. In this way, distance is created between people having two different lifestyles. One class is at the extreme of selfishness, those who have all the comforts of life are absorbed in themselves. The second poor class is falling in the mill of the situation, not only this, but the most affected by this system is the field of education.
Public and private educational institutions have their own systems, the difference of which is obvious. Private educational institutions have introduced modern curricula that are in line with the global curriculum, but their educational costs are far beyond the reach of the common man’s children. Their financial problems force them to study in the same government institutions that follow the prevailing curriculum. Thus, the two-class system has given education the status of a trade instead of a purpose, mission and uplifting the quality of life of the people living in the society. The students were also divided into two classes.
One section is the youth who are studying in private institutions in software engineering, accounts and finance, and other fields related to IT, their future is bright and bright. On the other hand, there is the youth group who, due to lack of financial resources, try their skills in the prevailing government education curriculum and find their future in them. This system has made them mentally retarded. They suffer from frustration and depression. The proof of this can be seen in their behavior.
Outdated education system in the country, inadequate planning, lack of budget and corruption have led the education sector to the point where they are lagging far behind the global education system. All the countries of the world are using modern curriculum for the education sector and the future of the new generation. We allocate a lot of budget for this, but we are not doing it and we are not thinking about it, there are also very few re-technical educational institutions.
They have worldwide importance and cannot be ignored under any circumstances. While in our country it is given the place of second level education. Not all young people become PhD engineers. They can make their place in this field as well. Looking at the desperate situation, it can be said that today’s young generation has to move forward on the basis of their ability and intelligence and make their own place.