
Learning through play

Learning through play

The most important thing for children is to give them the freedom to interact with and learn from the world around them. This is possible when children are given opportunities to play outside the safe confines of the home. Researchers agree that by connecting children mentally and physically with the outside world through play, they can provide a platform where they can live a better life through the process of learning and creativity. can.

Research shows that play is critical to a child’s mental, physical and emotional health. Through play, he learns essential skills for the future of humanity, such as emotional intelligence, creativity, and problem solving. A child, when he becomes a superhero in play, actually learns to lead. Being organized learns innovation by building a Lego Fort. The essence of ‘play’ is ‘learning’.

Given the fundamental importance of sports, some of the world’s biggest organizations have founded the ‘Real Play Co-operation’ in this regard. The aim of this collaboration is to promote the idea that the importance of play is not only limited to the extent that it allows children to be children, but that play actually provides unique opportunities for children to develop and learn. Creates dedication and curiosity.

The goal of this partnership is to provide children with as many opportunities for play as possible, wherever and whenever possible.

Unfortunately, millions of children around the world do not have a safe environment to play and explore the world.

According to research, 87 percent of today’s parents believe that the outdoors was safer for children to play in their time. Knowing this, it is now imperative for us to make the world a safer place for children to play. Children who are provided with opportunities to play in a safe and supportive environment develop face-to-face communication, collaboration and negotiation skills, enabling them to better cope with life’s challenges. Can compete.

In today’s world of stress and anxiety driven by hectic schedules, test scores and increasing technology, children are missing out on play, both inside and outside the classroom. The importance is constantly being ignored more than ever.

Research shows that the amount of time children spend playing sports has declined sharply over the past 30 years. According to research findings, in a survey of children in China, Germany and the US, two out of every three children complained that their parents kept them too busy with extracurricular activities, while almost half ( 49%) parents feel that they find it difficult to find time to play with their children.

All of this makes it clear that as long as there are challenges in creating opportunities for children to play in our ever-changing world, there will also be barriers to learning the skills necessary for the future of children and society. According to research, 56 percent of American children spend less time outdoors than a single inmate. This is a situation that is a major obstacle in the way of making the future of the world better, brighter, more creative and more humanitarian.

Given the advancement of technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, it can be said that in a rapidly changing world, children entering primary school today will grow up doing jobs that no longer exist. This means, we need to reassess and adapt our education system, on-the-job training programs and the process of assessing children’s abilities to meet the needs of the future, so that the children of today are ready for this changing tomorrow. Be ready for. The mental, physical and emotional development of children through play and the skills they learn through play are more important today than ever before. When children play, they develop creative thinking. For example; When they build a building or object with Lego blocks, it develops math and problem solving skills.

The more opportunities children are given today to play, the better prepared our future generations will be for the future. In the future, if the world needs leaders and leaders who can end conflicts, solve people’s problems, foster socially connected communities and inspire society to move forward, then we need our children today. Play opportunities must be provided. We must believe that if every child is given ample opportunities for play, every child in any corner of the world can become the leaders and leaders that the world of the future will need.

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