
Industries should be set up instead of free ration

Billions of public money are spent on these schemes and the benefit is temporary.  (Photo: File)

Billions of public money are spent on these schemes and the benefit is temporary. (Photo: File)

Unfortunately, the government that comes to our motherland, Pakistan, continues to follow the policy of passing time temporarily. The government’s focus is on promoting its own party and efforts are made to promote itself and its leaders.

The government introduces such packages which may seem beneficial to the people for a while and the ruling party will be wowed, but it does not have lasting results and neither does the country and the nation benefit in the long run. It benefits only the government, which is temporarily praised and its supporters sing and count the relief packages of the government, but they do not think that they are all temporary, which will last for two days. Later it will be closed and the people will stand where they stood before the billions of rupees were poured.

Some government introduces health card, opens anchorages, some government distributes free ration. Thus, instead of making the people stand on their own feet and earn money for their hard work, they make them accustomed to free food. Our governments introduce packages worth billions of rupees, that is, billions of rupees are poured into these packages and what people get is ten days of ration or temporary food and treatment. How much does the ration go up to? Five days or ten days, it cannot last more than that. After that, the same camps of hunger and poverty. In this, the governments also do a clever thing by giving free treatment or any other relief package to the people, for example, at the same time, they put a burden of twenty five billion rupees on the people by increasing the prices of electricity, gas and petrol etc. Thus, the money of this relief package is collected from the other side with profit and they also become messiahs for the people.

This Christianity is also only for their own workers because the workers of other parties do not appreciate them in any way. When the Tehreek-e-Insaf government introduces the health card, the PML-N members make fun of it, while the PTI members express happiness and appreciate it. Similarly, when PML-N government distributes ration, its own workers praise it but PTI criticizes it. Although both have the same goal, the same harm, but they do it because of prejudice and unconsciousness. Similarly, one government introduces a package, then another comes and cancels it and introduces a new package. In this way, only for the sake of their publicity, they have made a joke of the people with the money of the people.

If this money is used in two ways instead of giving ration to the people, it will be more beneficial. The first way should be to give subsidies to the people on various things, to reduce the prices of the things that are being increased immensely. It would be more useful to reduce the prices of petrol, electricity, gas and other basic necessities so that the people are able to buy their own necessities with their own earnings instead of forcing the people to ask for free. go On the one hand, they should be given free rations etc. by increasing the cost of the goods on the other hand. Efforts should be made to raise the people on their own feet and make them accustomed to earning from their hard work but also giving them full reward for their hard work.

Another way can be adopted that instead of the 60, 65 billion rupees that are being invested in giving free ration to the people, if factories are set up with the same money, then the people will get permanent employment. Many people will get employment there which will solve the livelihood problem of many families, as they will have a permanent source of livelihood. The 60, 65, 70 billion rupees you spent on free ration, even if that ration reaches two or three crore people, it will last only ten days at most, after that, the same poverty, the same poverty. So the better way would be to set up factories for the people, then it will provide permanent livelihood for the people. This will also benefit the country and the country will also develop.

Today, the world is developing through industries, countries produce all the products in their own country to fulfill the national needs and earn from exports as well. In developed countries, the people are not given anchorages and free rations, but they are given industries and factories, which increase the exports and fill the national treasury, as a result, the people are given good salaries, they are given their Hard work gets full reward, inflation ends in the country. People are able to easily meet their needs and lead a prosperous life.

Note: Express News and its policy do not necessarily agree with the views of this blogger.

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