
Importance of Traditional Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Importance of Traditional Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

In an era when more and more jobs are seeing automation and artificial intelligence with each new day, a question that is perhaps not being given as much importance as it should be: when will machines become more and more popular? are becoming more intelligent, what is the purpose of getting education?

“In my career, I have worked with some of the world’s best technology engineers and humanitarians to bring the benefits of innovation to consumers and societies around the world, under the auspices of the United Nations,” said Hans Westberg, chief executive officer of Verizon Wireless. What is it. The latest project in this is 5G technology, with the help of which data can be transferred at a speed of 1000 times faster than the existing 4G technology.

In the meantime, I have come to the conclusion that our education system is not preparing people to take advantage of the opportunities created by the 5G and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. “Academics, policymakers, nonprofits, and the business community must all be prepared to accept this reality and its implications for our future,” he adds.

At such a time, when computers and artificial intelligence have equaled or surpassed general human ability, what should be the purpose of education? In response to this question, experts point to three objectives:

* Acquiring expertise in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) to meet the needs of a society that is gradually and rapidly adopting technology.

* Creating civic and moral values ​​and consciousness among people, so that they can use these powerful technologies for the betterment of other human beings according to their intelligence and vision.

* To meet both the above needs, at all ages and at every stage of life, to adopt more creative and more energetic methods than the methods adopted so far in our education system.

It is easy to understand that STEM is central to the education of the future. STEM is also being prioritized in many technology companies in the world. From Google to Verizon, all the major technology companies in the world are working on STEM.

In a world driven by technology, the importance of STEM subjects cannot be denied. At the very least, what our societies can and should do is make STEM education equally common across all income groups, ages, and genders.

Although, many societies around the world are trending towards STEM education and have achieved remarkable success in these subjects, there is one area of ​​education that is being completely neglected and this is the area that the future generations will have to face. I will be instrumental in moving the technology forward in the right direction. This field of study is Humanities. History, philosophy, literature and arts are some of the basic and most important subjects of humanities.

Experts believe that, contrary to popular belief, some subjects will not take precedence over others in the age of technology. Our societies have to get out of this futile debate, in which one section gives precedence to the sciences and one section to the humanities. The new era has an equal need for both and it needs to integrate these two subjects in our education system more than ever before.

Understandably, the world needs engineers who understand modern technology as well as historians who are capable of understanding sensitive and complex materials and statistics and drawing effective conclusions from them. The reason for this is that over the past few years we have had several incidents where technology experts, when asked questions about consumer privacy and the political system, were filled with common mistakes.

All this makes one thing very clear: if technology is to fulfill its promise of improving the quality of life for humans, it must embrace social and moral values. The field that covers these social and moral values, the humanities, has long been dismissed as anachronistic, even though, contrary to popular belief, it is in fact the field of education that gives us the future. It will enable dangerous technologies to be used in the best way and to the best advantage of mankind.

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