Astronomers are doing research to inform about the revelations and changes in space. Using the Estair Extraterrestrial Impact Last Alert System (Atlas), researchers at Queen’s University processed and analyzed large amounts of data related to explosions in space. After analysis, experts say that this explosion is the result of a huge cloud of gas (many times larger than our Sun), which has been severely impacted by a supermassive black hole.
According to a report, in the event of a nuclear explosion in space, at first, an area of thousands of square kilometers on Earth will be blindingly bright, and along with it, electricity, radar and communication systems will be disabled. A number of nuclear weapons have been tested in space under the project named ‘Fish Ball’. Under this, a 14 megaton atomic bomb was detonated in 1962 at a height of 250 miles from the earth. Since there is no air in space, the blast did not create the shockwaves that are the most destructive aspect of an atomic bomb on Earth.
Scientists say the experiment emitted large amounts of heat and light, along with gamma and X-rays. The explosion lit up the sky, while the ground also saw a halo of light over thousands of square kilometers caused by the interaction of charged particles from the nuclear explosion with the Earth’s magnetic field.
Experts say that by detonating an atomic bomb in space, a large amount of radioactive particles are also destroyed in space. As a result of this explosion, a powerful magnetic field is also created in space. A magnetic field called an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) consists of charged electrons. When the United States launched its first explosion in space, the resulting powerful electron magnetic field knocked out power systems in large parts of the state of Hawaii. While the radar and navigation systems were also shut down, the electronic communication system was also shut down.
Scientists concluded from this explosion that a nuclear detonation hundreds of miles above a country could disable its communications and power systems. The mass of this bomb was only 14 megatons, but today’s atomic bombs are much more powerful. In other words, if an atomic bomb is detonated at a height of hundreds of miles above the earth, the power and communication systems of more than one country located directly below will be heavily damaged. More than 2,000 nuclear tests have been conducted on earth in the past few years. Although the nature of their damages is different, whether the nuclear explosion is done on the ground or in space, it proves to be very destructive for humans in any case.
A few months ago, scientists observed a “perfect” explosion in space. For years, researchers have been trying to understand the nature of “kilonovae,” the large explosions produced when two neutron stars collide. These are among the most powerful explosions in the universe, creating the most extreme conditions in the universe, and in doing so they can be responsible for everything from black holes to metals like gold. But Klonovi’s Many things about it are still mysterious to scientists. They don’t even know what the shape of the explosion could be. Experts thought that they were flat and asymmetric.
But new research has claimed that the explosion is actually a perfect sphere. “Nobody expected the explosion to look like this,” says author Darak Watson, associate professor at the Bohr Institute in Denmark. . It doesn’t matter whether it’s spherical or ball-shaped. This means that the ideas about clonovies and their counterparts that we’ve been considering for the past 25 years have important physics. The nature of this new physics is still unclear. Scientists have considered several possible explanations.
For example, the idea that an explosion might involve a kind of ‘magnetic bomb’ at its core that blows everything up from the inside. But some of these explanations conflict with other models and no satisfactory explanation has been found. The unexpected shape could help with other tasks, including solving the long-standing mystery of how fast the universe expanded. has been Speed is one of the most fundamental measurements in physics, but different measurements are inconsistent, creating another puzzle.
This velocity tells us, among other things, how old the universe is, and the difference between the two existing methods of measuring it is about a billion years. Currently, experts are using different objects in space to measure this velocity. Working with objects. They are calculating the distance between these objects and how that distance has changed.
This year, astronomers have detected the biggest explosion ever. This explosion is 10 times brighter than any previously recorded supernova (exploding star). It lasted three years, which is much longer than previous supernovas. Normally, supernovae are only visible for a few months. Experts believe that the explosion occurred when a large cloud of gas was swallowed by a black hole.
According to experts, the explosion is the result of a huge cloud of gas, possibly thousands of times the size of our Sun, being swallowed up by a supermassive black hole. All galaxies are thought to have a core. I have giant black holes. Dr. Wiseman says that such powerful explosions can play an important role in what he describes as the sculpting of galactic centers. These events may be powerful enough to cause galactic centers to collapse. According to Dr. Robert Massey, deputy executive director of the Royal Astronomical Society, the search for more such explosions is ongoing.
We have never seen anything like this before and certainly not on this scale. I would be very surprised if this is the only such explosion in the universe. Dr. Wiseman hopes to detect more such events with new telescope systems coming online in the next few years.
Last year, the brightest burst astronomers detected, a gamma-ray burst called GRB 221009A, lasted only ten hours. Although it was brighter than AT2021lwx, it only lasted a few hours, meaning that AT2021lwx had a very powerful explosion. The team of experts is collecting more data by observing the object at different wavelengths, including X-rays.