Due to summer vacations in educational institutions, children’s routines are often disturbed, including late sleeping and waking up, watching more TV, excessive use of mobile phones and others. It is important to keep children engaged in various useful activities and hobbies during summer vacations to enhance their abilities and keep them physically and mentally fit and energetic. A schedule should be arranged for them in which activities should be organized according to the age of each child.
Extracurricular activities and recreational opportunities give children the opportunity to learn a lot. Set a timetable for children to do outdoor activities in the evening. Through these activities children develop rapidly. Try to maintain a balance in children’s routines and diet along with outdoor activities as this is the only way to ensure improvement in physical and mental development of children. Mentioned below are some of the hobbies and outdoor activities that you can engage your children in.
Just as you take the stress out of children’s homework, make time for them to exercise. According to the research of Tokuba University in Japan and the University of California in the United States, 10 minutes of exercise improves memory. The results of the study say that children between the ages of 6 and 8 who actively participate in sports and exercise are less likely to suffer from depression and stress than other children.
Swimming is not only a fun sport but also a full body workout. According to experts, there is no better exercise than swimming to stay healthy and fit. Nowadays, swimming pools of small or large size are available in almost every area. So, make kids swim 2-3 days a week as this activity is essential to keep them healthy and fit. Once children develop a passion for swimming, they will be inclined to learn it on their own. For this purpose you can also make them join swimming classes. Also, take the kids to the beach as the calm environment of the beach will have good effects not only on their health but also on your health.
Riding a bicycle
The benefits of cycling are also numerous and it is useful for children and adults alike. It plays an important role in maintaining balance, self-confidence, agility and concentration in children. Children exercise their muscles by jumping, running, swinging or cycling and thus get the sunlight they need.
Martial arts
Martial art is not only a sport but also a means of staying physically and mentally healthy and energetic. It develops children’s mental abilities and motivates them. You can draw children’s attention to martial arts. Many academies and martial arts clubs organize various martial arts courses for children where they are taught gymnastics, Dao Shu (traditional swordsmanship) and Kung Fu techniques. You can prepare children to join these classes. In developed countries, especially Japan and China, this sport has a special status and children are trained in this sport from the beginning.
Active toys
Whether children are young or old, they should be given not only video games, laptops and mini-computers, but also toys that encourage outdoor activities like basketball, jumping rope, bouncing house, bicycle etc. Jumping is very popular with children and the benefits of doing so are that it strengthens your child’s muscles, improves knee health and keeps the child more active.
Most children are fond of painting but some parents keep them away from painting colors for fear of mess. Painting is a positive activity, through which children get both mental and physical training. Set aside a space for your kids in the yard or back yard, where they can paint whatever and however they want. They can paint stones in the hallway, small pieces of wood or even nature on their small canvas.
Go to the library
It is very important for children to be literate for career success. Literacy is not a hobby that develops in children overnight, but to cultivate this hobby, parents have to do homework from their childhood. For example, you yourself have to study regularly because parents are role models for children. are
You should visit local libraries with the children, so that the children will see and study different books. At the same time, seeing other people studying, they will also develop a love of friendship with books. Also, you can establish or maintain a book relationship with children by gifting them with books and magazines.