
The planet needs protection

The planet needs protection

This axis of rotation has shifted slightly due to the removal of so much water from the planet, which has affected its axial rotation and tilted it at an angle of 23.45 relative to its axis of rotation. Global warming is also a major reason for its axial rotation. Human activities are factors that affect the Earth’s axial rotation, causing climate change. Between 1993 and 2010, the Earth’s axis of rotation has shifted about 80 cm to the east.

According to research, the reason for this is the extraction of large reserves of ground water on a large scale, as the extraction of ground water has also affected the sea level. A professor of Earth Sciences at Seoul National University in South Korea says that water pumped out of the ground by a motor or pump either evaporates into the air or flows into rivers and finally falls into the sea. This water is thus added to the sea from land and this process gives rise to water redistribution.

Earlier in 2016, water’s ability to change the Earth’s circulation was discovered. Another study in 2021 focused on the tilting of the Earth’s axis of rotation and the effects of water loss in the Earth’s polar regions. That is, the ice in these regions that melts and flows into the oceans, but until now there was no research on the effects of extracting groundwater on the earth’s circulation. The pole of the Earth’s rotation is the point around which the Earth rotates.

Rotation around this axis is called polar rotation ie when the position of the Earth’s axis of rotation is different from that of the surface. Variations in the position of the Earth’s poles are known as polar drift and occur naturally. Changes in the distribution of Earth’s material cause the axis to move. Thus, the poles, the points where the Earth’s axis rotates, also change, but since the 1990s, the observed change in the Earth’s axis of rotation is due to human activity. The distribution of water on Earth affects how matter is distributed on our planet.

Scientists say it’s like putting a little weight on the rotating part. In this way, as the water will change its place, there will be some difference in the rotation of the earth. According to researcher Siu, there has actually been a lot of change in the rotation pole of the Earth. He says that our research shows that the causes of climate change as well as the distribution of groundwater also have a major role in the movement of the rotation pole of the Earth. Scientists also discovered that the distribution of water along Earth’s meridional lines of latitude (circles parallel to the equator that meet coordinates of equal latitude) has a greater influence on the Earth’s axis of rotation. During the study, most of the water was distributed from western North America to northwestern India, and both regions fall within the mid-latitudes of Maine.

Scientist Siu says efforts by countries around the world to reduce groundwater withdrawals from sensitive areas like the mid-latitudes could reverse changes in the Earth’s polar orbit, but only if these efforts last for decades. Keep going. In the new study, scientists observed changes in the Earth’s axis of rotation and the movement of water.

At first, they thought that the distribution of water and the movement of water from one region of the earth to another was due to the melting of ice and glaciers in the polar regions due to climate change, but later they included different scenarios for the distribution of groundwater. The scientists created a model to account for changes in the Earth’s rotation axis and it matched the recorded tilt of the Earth after the redistribution of 2150 gigatons of groundwater. Previous research has estimated that humans extracted 2,150 gigatons of groundwater between 1993 and 2010, equivalent to more than six millimeters of sea level rise.

A new study in China has claimed that the Earth’s inner layer has started rotating in reverse. The upper layer of the Earth is based on liquid metal while the inner layer consists of solid metals and its volume is equal to 70 percent of the surface of the Moon. It was believed that the Earth’s inner layer rotates counter-clockwise, but according to Peking University research, the rotation of the inner layer stopped around 2009 and then started rotating in the opposite direction or clockwise. We think this layer first rotates in one direction and then rotates in the other direction, the researchers said.

He said that this cycle of rotation in both directions is completed in 70 years (cycle of each direction is completed in 35 years). Experts say that before 2009, the last time the direction of the Earth’s inner layer changed was in the 1970s, and the next time it will happen is in the mid-2040s. The researchers compared earthquake records from the 1960s to the 1990s with recent earthquakes, suggesting that rotation of the Earth’s interior had stopped in 2009 and then reversed direction. According to the researchers, changing the direction of rotation of the inner layer causes changes in the length of days and the Earth’s magnetic field.

Scientists believe that there are six billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy. You must have observed the stars shining in the sky during the dark nights. Some are very bright, some are dim and some fade out of sight at some point. How many stars are there in the sky? Billions or trillions? Nobody knows. Perhaps no one has the answer to this question. As science advances, as telescopes in space increase in power, new stars are coming into view. A new study suggests that there are at least 6 billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy.

An Earth-like planet refers to a planet that has a system similar to our solar system. There are few other planets in this system which revolve around the sun of this system in their own orbits. A planet like our Earth would be about the same distance from the Sun as our Earth. The diameter of the planet should also be close to our earth. This planet has both rocks and plains. When these factors are present, there will be water as well as an atmosphere, allowing the planet to have temperatures and climates that are conducive to life. Astronomers at the University of British Columbia, using data from NASA’s powerful telescope, have estimated that the number of G-type, Earth-like planets in our galaxy could be around 6 billion.

“According to calculations, the number of Earth-like planets in G-type solar systems is 0.18 percent,” said Michelle Konimoto, an astronomer at the University of British Columbia and author of the study. These are the planets that can become the center of our future space exploration. Jamie Matthew, another astronomer at the University of British Columbia, says that according to a conservative estimate, there are 400 billion stars in our galaxy, which have their own solar systems and many planets orbiting them. Of these 400 billion planets, 7 percent are stars that meet the definition of G-type. This means that there are about 6 billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy alone.

Earlier, Kunimoto studied data from NASA’s telescope Kepler mission on nearly 200,000 stars. They discovered 17 new planets outside our solar system. The research conducted on the asteroid will help scientists in future space missions. However, space missions sent from Earth are currently limited to the planets of our solar system due to the long distances involved. The closest planet to Earth is Mars, which is 55 million kilometers from Earth. A rocket takes 150 to 300 days to reach this planet, depending on the orbits of Earth and Mars.

Other planets may have more life than our world. The new research could now help inform how to build new telescopes, as we now know what types of planets are best to find. Scientists believe that there are many other worlds beyond our earth where there is more flourishing life than Earth. This new study could be very important to our way of finding aliens, helping us search for life on planets outside the solar system.

Dr. Olson and his team combined the obtained samples and observations, and this effort will contribute to information about signs of life on these planets. “NASA’s search for life in the universe has always focused on planets in the ‘habitable zone,’ which are worlds where oceans of liquid water may exist,” Dr. Olsen said of the research. are But not all oceans are equally capable of hosting life, as some oceans are better places to live than others because of their water circulation patterns.’

For this study, the research team created planetary models using NASA software that simulates and evaluates the conditions of extrasolar planets. Using this technology from NASA, the team was able to create models of possible climates and oceans that could exist on these planets.

During this research, scientists found that many of these planets have more favorable environments for life and flourishing than Earth. They examined the processes in Earth’s oceans that allowed life to flourish here and considered whether similar processes might be possible elsewhere in the universe. “The goal of our work is to identify the oceans of extrasolar planets that have the greatest potential to host abundant and active life,” says Dr. Olsen.

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