
Proper use of time brings success

Proper use of time brings success

Time is like money, if you waste it, you won’t have it when you need it. If you treat time like money, you will definitely have time to do things you love. The bottom line is that using your time properly will give you more opportunities to do the things you love, not less. Time management is a skill that will serve you well in the future. It is said that the way you spend your time reflects the kind of person you are. But it cannot be denied that it is not easy to use time properly. Let’s consider some obstacles in this regard.


TV is like a vacuum cleaner. The exciting programs, dramas and movies shown on it grab a lot of your time and attention. Today’s youth waste hours on their mobile phones and tablets and die only when the battery dies and then regret why the battery died.

To avoid

Most of us must have faced this situation in life, when we start putting off most of our tasks and don’t tackle them till the time they loom over us. Similarly, instead of completing their school and college academic work at the earliest opportunity, many students end up wasting their time on errands and then school work takes over. Get rid of the habit of procrastination from your life now or it will stand between you and your success.

What can you do?

Make a list of the tasks that you must do. These may include household chores and homework etc. Make a schedule for the entire week and write down with each task how long it will take you to complete. Then review the list on a daily basis to see which things are most important, as the ranking of priorities may change slightly.

Make a list of things you like to do in your free time. These may include various activities such as using social media and watching TV. Write down how many hours you spend on each of these activities throughout the week. Those who are successful in life are those who act wisely and make the best use of their time.

Make a plan. Just look at the two lists you made and then consider these questions. Is the time you have set aside for each important task sufficient? Of the time you spend doing the things you love, do you need to give some of that time to the things you need?

Tip: Make a list of your daily tasks and check off a task when you complete it. The thing to remember is that the plans of a wise and diligent person are profitable.

Keep evaluating whether you are following your plan. Sometimes you may have to give up an entertainment program etc. so that you can deal with your important tasks. By making a plan and following it, you will have more free time and enjoy it more. The consequences of laziness are dire.

Get the job done first, then have fun. A boy named Andrew says, “Sometimes after completing two tasks on my to-do list, I think I’ll just watch TV for 15 minutes and then start working again.” But then that 15 minutes turns into half an hour and half an hour into an hour and by the time I realize it, I’ve wasted two hours watching TV.

What is the solution to this problem? Don’t treat entertainment as part of your daily routine. Instead, think of it as a reward that you will receive after completing your necessary tasks.

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